Use Your Words like Your life Depended on them

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do you have an Angel

Guido Reni's archangel Michael (Capuchin churc...Image via Wikipedia

There are times when I’ve thought I must have an Angel, one who watches and protects me. I am not sure if it is true, or if Angels exist, but it feels right.

The other day while walking past this store. Just as we were about to pass it, I said, “let’s go in inside.”

We were greeted by a warm cheerful voice, "Hi, would you like an Angel reading?" Wow! Never would have imagined hearing someone ask me that question in a million years. I was not sure what it entailed. But, I thought, why not.

A wonderful insightful woman, Karen Forrest, was sitting on a couch at the back of the store. I liked her immediately, she had a nice warm smile and caring eyes. As it turned out she is the author of Canadian Angels by your side It is a wonderful book with many interesting short stories illustrating how Angels have intervened to help people. She gave me a short "Angel reading" which involved a general question, What is my life purpose? In less than five minutes she affirmed that I am on the right spiritual path. Who am I to argue with that?

Do you believe in Angels?

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